If you are interested in getting a refund for your purchase, you will need to do this through your chosen platform. Double Eleven cannot process refunds internally.
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Both platforms have their own terms and conditions for refunds, all of which is clearly outlined through the links above. If we receive a support ticket relating to a refund, our agents will only direct you to the platform links - so it is quicker to go there directly.
Please note that refunds will likely only be considered if the currency has not been used, for any players which are found to be taking advantage of the system and refunding their Rust Coins purchase after using them in-game, we reserve the right to ban you from the game and you will no longer be able to play.
More details on specific terms and conditions relating to refunds of digital goods can be found on each platforms’ support websites linked above.
Again, we are not capable of processing refunds internally, this needs to be done through the platforms.